Thursday, December 17, 2009

i yelled today :(

I yelled a lot.  I felt so bad afterword, I almost cried.  I hate having to raise my voice solely to get my students to take me seriously.  I know that I am so new to this process, but do students really want to work?  Do they ever just do what they are instructed and freely participate?  They are working on a project that I think is crazy fun, but apparently they do not feel the same way.  Do all teachers  struggle with finding educational and enjoyable ways fro students to learn.  Fortunately, I do not have "the test" to teach to, but I do have standards to uphold.  How do I sail here, and get all my students on board too?

1 comment:

  1. Hi MMILLS! I feel that you are working so hard everyday ;) Be aware of the fact that it may take time to solidify your classroom management skills...
